
+91 8073773529

Study in IRELAND






Ireland offers an enriching learning experience without parallels. Highly rated for its first rate education and rigorous evaluation process, Irish education lay stress on skill development and flexibility. Though a modernized country, Ireland retains its old charm, tradition and hospitality. As a student you are sure to be mesmerized by this land of ‘’saints and scholars’’.

Why Study In Ireland?

Education system is globally respected

A small, safe and friendly country

An English-speaking country with a unique cultural heritage

Ireland is recognised as the hub for quality scientific research

Highly developed democracy with a modern economy

Home to 1000 multinational companies

reland is one of the most exciting places in the world to be a student

Eligible to apply for Green Card/Work Permit on getting job

Forefront in innovation, creativity and collaboration

Education System


  • Nine universities – Offering degrees at Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate level programmes
Institutes of Technology
  • 14 Institutes of Technology offering programs at degree, national diploma and national certificate levels in a wide variety of subjects.
Colleges of Education
  • Five Colleges of Education for primary school teachers. They offer three year full time courses leading to a B.Ed. degree which is the recognized qualification for primary school teaching.
Independent Third Level Colleges
  • Colleges offering programmes leading to certificates, diplomas and degrees, recognised by Irelands national certification authority or an accrediting university.


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